Everything You Want To Know About CBD Gummies

The “Green Rush” is in full effect and CBD is on the rise. By some accounts, the CBD industry will surpass 20 billion dollars by 2024 in the US alone. One of the most popular ways to consume CBD is in the form of CBD gummy candies. Why is this trend occurring? What are the benefits of CBD gummies? Can anyone take them? Let’s dive into these questions and more for a better understanding of CBD gummies and how they can help you.
What are CBD Gummies?
In short, CBD gummies are soft gummy candies infused with CBD oil. They’re usually based on popular candies such as Gummie Bears, Sour Gummy Worms, Sour Rings, etc. Each gummy contains a measured dose of CBD and can be taken whole or even divided into smaller amounts. So what exactly does this mean? It means that you can enjoy all the benefits of CBD discreetly and without needing to vape, smoke, or take an oil tincture. JustCBD Gummies come in a wide range of flavours and potencies. You can enjoy apple, peach, blueberry, or even sour gummies with a range from 7mg of CBD per piece to 31mg of CBD per piece. If you enjoy experimenting in the kitchen, you can even make your own CBD gummies. CBD gummies are a great way to tailor your intake of CBD.
How Do CBD Gummies Work?
To answer this question, we need to explore how CBD works. As you know, CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabidiol naturally found in hemp plants and cannabis plants. Put plainly, CBD affects your endocrine system and the endocannabinoid system. The endocrine system is made up of eight major glands spread throughout our bodies that secrete hormones in response to changes. These changes can be internal changes, for example puberty, or external changes, like getting scared by a friend. The hormones get carried through our blood to the organs that require them anytime our body needs to regulate itself. These glands affect everything from our growth and development to our metabolism and even our mood. The endocannabinoid system is a little more mysterious as it was only discovered in the 1990s when researchers were researching the effects of THC. Although it was discovered in relation to cannabis, everyone has an endocannabinoid system regardless of whether or not they use cannabis. It is made up of three components: endocannabinoids, receptors, and enzymes, and like the endocrine system, is responsible for regulating certain processes in the body like memory, appetite, sleep, mood, and fertility. Endocannabinoids are naturally produced by our bodies as needed and receptors bind to them in order to respond to signals in your endocannabinoid system. There are two types of receptors called CB1 and CB2. CB1 is primarily responsible for the central nervous system and will, for example, assist in relieving pain through your spinal nerve, while CB2 receptors are primarily responsible for the peripheral nervous system and will assist in reducing inflammation in your cells. Enzymes are basically the janitors of the process and are responsible for destroying the endocannabinoids once they’ve completed their function. The endocannabinoid and endocrine systems exist to regulate your body into a state of homeostasis. In other words, they create equilibrium throughout your body. As mentioned, the endocannabinoid system is still largely unknown to us so there is no concrete science on how CBD affects it, but scientists think it either slows down the enzymes from destroying the endocannabinoids and therefore allows them to work longer at repairing our system, or that perhaps there is a third unknown receptor that CBD directly impacts. Regardless of the how, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that CBD can help with symptoms like nausea, pain, and inflammation. So where do CBD Gummies fit into this? It’s simple: they’re a really delicious way to introduce CBD into the endocannabinoid system and reap the benefits. The CBD gummies will activate through the digestive system and absorb into your bloodstream within approximately 90 minutes to 2 hours, getting to work on all of those hormones and receptors.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Using CBD Gummies
Part of the reason CBD gummies are so popular is because they are incredibly easy to use. Here are a few tips to get you comfortable with CBD gummies.
- Purchase your CBD Gummies from a reputable source. This will ensure what you’re ingesting is free from THC and fillers. JustCBD Gummies lists all of the ingredients, as well as the serving size and potency of CBD.
- Do take your first dose of CBD in a safe place with someone you trust in the event of rare side effects. These side-effects can include nausea, fatigue and irritability.
- Do speak with your doctor before trying CBD as it can affect certain medications.
- Do start off with a low dose and remember that CBD ingested through the digestive system will take approximately 90 minutes to 2 hours to take effect.
- Do enjoy your experience and feel free to journal any effects you feel on your mood, appetite, body, and wellness. Changes might not be immediately noticeable. Journaling will help you see long-term benefits.
- Take a product without reading the label
- Don’t incorporate CBD into your wellness plan without first talking to your doctor if you’re on certain medications that are metabolized through your liver.
- Don’t expect a miracle cure. Remember, CBD is no curative.
- Don’t worry about withdrawal or addiction. CBD is non-addictive.
What Can A First-Time User Expect From CBD Gummies?
First-time users don’t have too much to worry about thanks to the low-risk nature of pure CBD gummies. Everyone’s body will respond to CBD a little bit differently as it depends how your endocannabinoid system uses it, however common effects are drowsiness, a sense of relaxation, and possible pain relief. Remember, CBD gummies will take up to two hours to take effect as they need to move through the digestive system first. Once the CBD takes effect, you will most likely feel a sudden feeling of peace or calm. It won’t be a sense of euphoria in the way that psychoactive agents like THC will cause, it’ll be more like when you take a bite of the most delicious chocolate cake you’ve ever had. Enjoying CBD gummies before bed or when you have an afternoon off is a great way to help you enjoy your first experience in the event your body responds with drowsiness. Additionally, remember to go low and slow, meaning start with a low dose and give it plenty of time to take effect. Although generally safe, too much CBD could cause diarrhea, fatigue, and change in appetite in some people.
How Long Will CBD Gummies Stay in my System?
CBD is stored in the body and the length of time it remains in your system depends on several factors: Your metabolism, how frequently you consume CBD, the dosage of CBD, and how you introduce it to your body. In general, evidence suggests CBD will remain in your system anywhere between 2 and 5 days. CBD is fat-soluble, meaning it gets stored in your body’s fat. Individuals with a higher fat percentage will retain CBD in their systems longer than those with a lower body fat percentage. This is also true for people with lower metabolisms, versus those with higher metabolisms. The higher your metabolism, the faster the CBD will pass through your body. The frequency you ingest CBD will also impact the amount in your system. The more regularly you consume CBD, the longer it will remain present in your system as it builds up in your fat cells. This is why it is suggested you try CBD for at least one week in order to notice potential benefits. In terms of how long one dose of a CBD gummy will remain in your system, CBD GUmmies typically remain active for approximately 6-8 hours after the effects take place. By that point, the gummy should be fully broken down and absorbed by the digestive system.
Who Can and Cannot Take CBD Gummies?
While CBD is non-psychoactive and generally safe, it is not recommended children take CBD gummies simply due to the nature of their taste. JustCBD Gummies taste just as great as regular candy treats so they can be tempting for children to eat if left unsupervised. While children likely won’t experience more than an upset stomach or fatigue if too much is ingested, it’s always best to err on the side of caution when it comes to children. Like with adults, if your child is on medications, always check with their pediatrician before introducing CBD to ensure there is no interaction with their medication. The World Health Organization has given CBD a low-risk profile and indicates that the biggest cause for concern is the potential for negative drug interactions with existing medications. There is clinical research that indicates success for treating children with epilepsy with CBD. While it does not cure epilepsy, it can manage the symptoms and even assist in reducing the number of seizures. There is no risk for addiction or abuse, so as long as your child’s dosage is being monitored correctly to limit physiological discomforts, CBD Gummies can be safe, though other forms of CBD may be better to avoid accidents.
Adults and Seniors
Like with children, the risk of negative side effects is dependent on the person’s medical history. Adults and seniors on certain medications should discuss adding CBD to their regimen with their health care practitioner first to be safe. One of the largest concerns for adults and especially seniors when it comes to CBD is product purity. As we’ve learned, the CBD industry is still largely unregulated and many companies may mislabel or mislead buyers into a product that is not truly CBD. Shopping from a reputable source is the most important first step you can take. Next, like with any treatment plan, it is important to start with low doses to see how your individual body responds. While there is no recorded case of a CBD overdose, figuring out your minimum required dosage will help you manage your symptoms and save your wallet. Some medical professionals recommend seniors start with a dosage as low as 2.5mg of CBD to test out sensitivity to the effects. Increasing the dosage over time, or titration, is a good practice to get into so you can document your thoughts and feelings and better understand how CBD is working for you. As previously mentioned, you may not experience the effects immediately as psychological benefits are often slower at being recognized than physical ones. CBD gummies are a great way for adults and seniors to enjoy CBD providing that they are from a reputable source that indicates the dosage per piece and is sourced from hemp or certified as having less than 0.3% of THC. Again, always check for those third-party certificates.
Like humans, pets can also experience anxiety and pain. Using CBD to treat pets is becoming increasingly popular. CBD is safe for most pets, just as it is for most humans. Once again, it is important to consult your veterinarian before beginning a CBD treatment plan for your pet, especially if your pet is on medication for a pre-existing condition. When using CBD on your pets, it’s essential that you choose one formulated specifically for pets in order to avoid any potential reactions or illnesses from ingredients that are not pet safe. CBD Gummies are likely not pet-friendly, either due to dosage or sugar/ingredients. This does not mean Fido can’t benefit from the natural properties of CBD; JustCBD has a CBD Pet line that is perfect for your furry friend. Please always keep pet treats away from your pets and control their consumption, regardless of whether they are CBD infused or not.